Design philosophy
Felix von Bahder, chief designer:
With Deadwood I aim to create timeless designs that age well. While my sources of inspiration may vary, I try to stay away from chasing novelty for novelty’s own sake. I much rather sit down and picture all the functionalities that should be represented in the collection, and then craft designs that embody those functionalities. At Deadwood we cherish our carry-over essentials, styles that make it across many seasons, sometimes updated with small tweaks and fixes. When I see brands who switch out their collection completely every season I feel like that can’t be a sane way to do business. It’s like throwing out the baby with the bathwater and reinventing the wheel twice a year! When I design it is always quite pragmatic, almost like how I envision an architect would go about it. I often approach it like a problem to be solved. But I mean, other times I just see someone on the street wearing something cool and I go home and try to recreate it!
With Deadwood I aim to create timeless designs that age well. While my sources of inspiration may vary, I try to stay away from chasing novelty for novelty’s own sake. I much rather sit down and picture all the functionalities that should be represented in the collection, and then craft designs that embody those functionalities. At Deadwood we cherish our carry-over essentials, styles that make it across many seasons, sometimes updated with small tweaks and fixes. When I see brands who switch out their collection completely every season I feel like that can’t be a sane way to do business. It’s like throwing out the baby with the bathwater and reinventing the wheel twice a year! When I design it is always quite pragmatic, almost like how I envision an architect would go about it. I often approach it like a problem to be solved. But I mean, other times I just see someone on the street wearing something cool and I go home and try to recreate it!